Think about how much can be told with little. Get in close. Refrain from exposing everything. Only shows what is necessary to understand but holds space to be investigated. That is what this work is about. Knowing the information is just as important as the absence of information. This brings up the question of why some things are left and others are taken out. Think about a necklace lying on a sidewalk versus a necklace on someone's chest. In the first scenario, the absence of someone wearing the necklace makes you think of a person. In the second scenario, the necklace is being worn which creates more of a focus on the necklace. Consider the dialog of what is unavailable and what is.

In this project, I really thought about the angle and how that would change the depth of the work. I use a speed light, umbrella diffuser, tripod, interval shooting, and light stand. I took self-portraits and positioned myself almost right under my camera. I had my tripod legs fully extended and the light was at a 45° angle. I used clothes to cover different parts of my body and gently moved as the shutter went off. 

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